when the dealer hits Soft 17

How to play blackjack if the dealer takes the card on a “soft” 17?

Stepping into the world of blackjack, every player must grasp the subtle rules that sway the odds. A pivotal rule to understand is when the dealer draws on a “soft” 17. This situation, not uncommon in the vast expanse of casino offerings, including those tempting Thrills casino bonus opportunities, alters the strategic landscape of blackjack significantly.

What Kind of Blackjack Are We Talking About?

This discussion centers around a blackjack variation where the dealer is compelled to hit on a soft 17. For the uninitiated, a soft 17 is a hand featuring an Ace and a 6, offering the flexibility of valuing the Ace as either 1 or 11. This rule diverges from the traditional rule set where the dealer stands on all 17s, soft or hard.

Why Is This Point in the Blackjack Rules Important?

The dealer’s obligation to hit on a soft 17 is not a trivial matter. It nudges the house edge upward, subtly altering the game’s balance. For the player, it necessitates a recalibration of strategy, influencing not just the basic hit or stand decisions but also the more nuanced aspects of doubling down and pair splitting.

How to Play This Kind of Blackjack?

Adapting to this rule involves a few strategic tweaks:

  • Doubling Down Adjustments: Given the slight uptick in the house’s advantage, players might find themselves doubling down in scenarios where they wouldn’t have previously, such as when holding a soft 19 against a dealer’s soft 17.
  • Navigating Soft Hands: The strategy for playing soft hands (e.g., soft 18 to soft 20) shifts. Players must weigh the dealer’s enhanced prospects of hitting a stronger hand against their own potential for improvement.
  • Splitting Strategy: The calculus for splitting pairs changes, particularly for Aces and eights. The dealer’s likelihood of busting or hitting a higher hand modifies the expected outcomes of splitting.
Tips for winning-soft-17-blackjack

Blackjack Math

The essence of blackjack strategy lies in understanding the probabilities of different game scenarios, including how the dealer hitting on a soft 17 impacts those odds. Strategic play in this context means leveraging statistical insights to inform decisions, acknowledging that the house edge is slightly higher and adjusting play to optimize the chances of winning.


Navigating the blackjack tables where the dealer hits on a soft 17 demands a nuanced understanding of the game’s mechanics and an adaptive strategy. By recognizing how this rule affects the game and modifying your approach, you can effectively counter the house’s edge. The crux of winning in such scenarios lies in flexibility and a deep dive into blackjack mathematics. Whether you’re capitalizing on a Thrills casino bonus or facing down a dealer in a live casino, mastering this rule is crucial for anyone looking to excel in blackjack.